The Bank for International Settlements

RECRUTE : un Records and Archives Expert

jeudi 29 juin 2017
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The Bank for International Settlements is an inter­na­tio­nal orga­ni­sa­tion which fos­ters inter­na­tio­nal mone­tary and finan­cial coo­pe­ra­tion via wide-ran­ging ban­king, eco­no­mic research and policy coor­di­na­tion acti­vi­ties.

Records and Archives Expert

Office loca­tion : Basel
Department : General Secretariat
Unit : Information Management Service
Employment - Duration : 3 years
Contract type : Fixed-term
FTE% : 100%
Application Deadline : 26/07/2017

Purpose of the job :
We are loo­king for a Records and Archives Expert to manage the Bank’s phy­si­cal archi­ves and digi­tal records in accor­dance with the appli­ca­ble docu­ment and infor­ma­tion mana­ge­ment regu­la­tions and objec­ti­ves. The suc­cess­ful can­di­date will ensure that the Bank’s his­to­ri­cally valua­ble docu­ments and cur­rent records are pre­ser­ved and orga­ni­sed to the highest stan­dards pos­si­ble. This requi­res the concep­tual deve­lop­ment, imple­men­ta­tion and main­te­nance of an effi­cient and secure elec­tro­nic archi­ving envi­ron­ment, inclu­ding long-term pre­ser­va­tion and dis­po­sal, within the fra­me­work of the Bank’s exis­ting infor­ma­tion mana­ge­ment sys­tems. The role also res­ponds to inter­nal requests and over­sees the pro­vi­sion of an exter­nal research ser­vice.

Qualifications and skills :
  We are loo­king for­ward to mee­ting can­di­da­tes with uni­ver­sity degree in records mana­ge­ment or archi­ving, in infor­ma­tion mana­ge­ment, or an equi­va­lent pro­fes­sio­nal qua­li­fi­ca­tion.
  The ideal can­di­date has expe­rience in mana­ging archi­ves repo­si­to­ries, with proven track record wor­king with born-digi­tal or digi­ti­sed mate­rials. He/she has a qua­li­fi­ca­tion in pro­ject mana­ge­ment, busi­ness pro­cess ana­ly­sis and spe­ci­fi­cally in elec­tro­nic records mana­ge­ment and archi­ving system. Experience wor­king with exter­nal resear­chers is desi­ra­ble.
  He/she is an excel­lent team player, with good com­mu­ni­ca­tion and inter­per­so­nal skills ; is able to work inde­pen­dently to tight dead­li­nes ; is a self-star­ter ; has abso­lute dis­cre­tion in trea­ting confi­den­tial and res­tric­ted infor­ma­tion ; has strong cus­to­mer orien­ta­tion and strong ana­ly­ti­cal skills ; has a hands-on, prac­ti­cal approach ; is pre­pa­red to work occa­sio­nal over­time if requi­red ; has a good unders­tan­ding of spe­ci­fic records and archi­ves mana­ge­ment issues, inclu­ding inter­nal and exter­nal user research requi­re­ments ; has a know­ledge of rele­vant inter­na­tio­nal stan­dards and fami­lia­rity with elec­tro­nic docu­ment and records mana­ge­ment sys­tems (EDRMS) and cata­lo­guing tools.
  The suc­cess­ful can­di­date is pro­fi­cient in English. Additional know­ledge of German and/or French is a plus.

Work expe­rience :
At least five years of rele­vant job expe­rience in elec­tro­nic records mana­ge­ment and mana­ging phy­si­cal archi­ves.
To find out more about this oppor­tu­nity and to submit your CV (in English), please visit

The BIS’s head office is loca­ted in Basel, Switzerland, with repre­sen­ta­tive offi­ces in Hong Kong SAR and Mexico City. We are able to recruit glo­bally, regard­less of natio­na­lity, and offer com­pe­ti­tive employ­ment packa­ges. The BIS employs staff on both open-ended and fixed-term contracts. However, all new entrants are ini­tially recrui­ted on a fixed-term basis. The BIS is fully com­mit­ted to equal oppor­tu­nity employ­ment and stri­ves for diver­sity among its staff. We encou­rage appli­ca­tions from female can­di­da­tes.


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